Well he must love me....
So Terry traded the little yellow car, for a little red one. Pretty much the same car only a year newer and a model up from his. Fast little car. Its a nice car, but it isn't yellow...
Shawn left for Moose hunting on Saturday. Shawn came to work to ask me if for my truck keys because he left a coyote call in there when he was duck hunting at my house, not thinking anything of it I handed him my keys. He came back in and said it wasn't in there. So he left I told him to have good time hunting and to be careful. So after my shift I went out to truck to find.... Three Roses in a bottle of water.... big jerk.... he wasn't looking for no coyote call...they are very pretty, I have them in a milk bottle on top of the T.V.

I could have killed Robert yesterday. Heith was asking him about the digital camera that mom has, and I told Heith that it was a good camera and that it was easy to use and an all around good camera. Heith is like ok, I’ll buy it, but what kind of memory cards does it take? So I told him that it need the little SD ones and he said that he has one at home so he is all happy. Then Robert chimes in that oh no it doesn’t take those ones it takes some other kind that we don’t have. I said I have this camera it takes these ones. Robert kept telling me I was wrong, so I finally got pissed off and said, “Yeah, I have the camera but I’m wrong I don’t know what I’m talking about.” And walked away.A little while later, Robert went to Heith all sheepishly and said that I was right about the memory card. Heith told him that he should come and apologize to me because I was VERY PISSED OFF, but he never said anything to me.
Well that's all for now, catch you all later.
*sigh* Do u think if u and I ganged up on Robert @ work and "disposed" of him anyone would notice?
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