Saturday, April 10, 2010

Next time, we elope.

I think I am starting to understand the concept of BRIDEZILLA. I have sworn to myself that I WILL NOT be one of those brides. That I WILL NOT go a psycho on the people that matter most. But I at times want to beat the crap out of a certain person for not getting my way.
Ok, I have pretty much planned everything, with help from my parents and friends and from my other half, but his refusal to wear a tux is driving me batty. I don't care if he doesn't want to wear a vest...he is gonna wear a damn tux!
Ok, that made me feel a bit better. I mean it is OUR day. Ok it’s mostly my day but he doesn't need to know that.

I think I might have to start drinking…

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Its amazing really. How fast time goes. I have been engaged for a year. i can't believe it myself sometimes. It doesn't seem that long. before you know it, it will be August.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Frustrated, Incorporated.

Wow, I haven't posted on here is almost a year! Well I guess that happens.

Came back from Toronto almost 2 weeks ago now. I have come to the conclusion that I couldn’t live there. I am much better off in small town Saskatchewan, Hell I’m better off in the bush. WAY to many people than I’m use to. And I really don’t think I could handle that much public transit. Subways are scary. Ok, it wasn’t that bad, but I was waiting for the lights to flicker or something, and yeah I have probably watched one to many movies, but I was seriously thinking that there would be some crazy guy welding a knife around.

On the up side of things, I did go to the CN Tower, and the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). I got to see a mummy, which I have never seen in person, and that was interesting. I took to many pictures, which isn’t a surprise coming from me. Cause I figure you can never take to many pictures.

Back at work and it’s the same shit just a different day. Some days I love my job, I actually enjoy what I do. Then there are some days I just want to quit on the spot and say Fuck it.
Not to eager to work till 10 on Friday, I would really like to know who’s bright idea it was at head office for the store to be open from 7am-10pm. All the shit will be gone at 10am, and all I will here is pissed off people telling me that we should have ordered more stuff, whether or not we actually had 300 or not of the particular thing that there are after.

So yeah, that it. I think.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Deck the halls and all that fun stuff...

So lately I have been feeling kind of blah...not sure why...Well I'm not sure if blah is the right word, Ancy is more like it. I feel like I'm running in circle, but getting no where fast. Hopefully the feeling will pass.
Work as been uber busy....Rhonda and I have had some pretty crazy weekends to work....Its been stupid busy. Snow blower Guy aka The Plaid Knob has been ban from the store...ha ha ha....I'm not even gonna get into the story cause I will be dropping F-bombs juring the whole story...
In other news, Shawn is done in Leader next weekend, so then he is off till May... The word around the water cooler is that we might be FINALLY moving into our own place, and not living in the basement....
Currently I am trying to finish or start my Christmas Shopping... I don't know if I'm coming or going in that department.
I bought the coolest dishes in the entire world! I have MOOSE dishes now... well they have more of a nature theme to them, but the creamer, sugar pot and the salt and pepper shakers are the best! The salt and pepper is a bear cub and a stump. The Sugar pot is a Bear, and for the best part....the creamer is a Moose! He spits out milk! its so cute!
Well that's it for now....gonna try and get some sleep, have a full day planned tomorrow, want to make some cookies, write out some Christmas cards, start and finish my ornaments, and help Mom put the lights outside....

Catch you Later!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I was bored...

So I was is a dragon....