Friday, June 11, 2004

I'm not anti-social; I just hate being with people

So I had an interesting ride home this morning. I almost hit a Beaver. I saw something so I slowed down, at first I thought it was a raccoon, cause it was a bigger furrier animal then say a gopher. As I got closer I thought it was perhaps a badger. Then to my surprise it was a beaver. Could you imagine the damage to my car if I hit one of those?
After the beaver I saw a deer, which is nothing, I see them all the time. But this deer changed its mind a few times. It saw me coming, so it turned and ran into the ditch. Then it realized there was a big slough and it decided to run across the road anyway. It was a good thing that I know how indecisive those animals are. I was wondering if I was gonna see a moose next.
On a good note, the woodpecker isn't driving me nuts.... I don’t have to pull the sling shot out. I think the reason it shut-up is because of all the rain. I think it has rained almost every weekend that I have had off. Well it is better then the freak snow storms.
The bad part about this rain is the basement is flooding. Have to go turn the pump on again in a few minutes. Dusty's litter box is down there, and I guess she braved the water, cause now there are little kitty marks all the way up the stairs. Kinda funny actually.


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