Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The adventures of Flat Stanley and other things

Not much new here. If anyone wants a kitty I have two that need a home. They’re both fuzzy, one is a calico and the other is a male that is black and gray. The little orange one is snow checked, in other words it has a home picked out I just have to litter train.
In other news, Shawn was home last week for a few days after the long weekend. It was nice he was home from Monday night till Saturday morning.
We have a visitor from Ontario right now, Flat Stanley. I'm sure everyone is thinking what the hell is she talking about. But Flat Stanley is a little man that was flatted by a bulletin board now travels by mail to go on an adventure, and my cousin that is in grade two sent him here for an adventure. I’d really like to know why we never got to do cool projects like that when I was in grade two. All he had to do is draw Flat Stanley and I have to write the story for him.
I had to break down and by a new watch. I was so not a happy camper. I really liked my old one. I miss it. The winder broke off and I took it to get fixed and the guy told me it would be cheaper to go buy a new one. I told him I wanted this one fixed. So ok they'll fix it. The guy phones me two days later telling that they can't get it fix cause it is to old. And just so he knows it was cheaper getting it fixed then buying a new one.


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