Thursday, March 31, 2005

Little Cars and Geese.....

I found something I would like to blow 300 bucks on. They have this sweet little go-cart at work. It has a weight limit of 120 pounds, but even with that exceed it still went like a bat outta hell. It was totally awesome. I really don't know where I would drive it, but it was cool. I was having such a shitty day at work yesterday, I drove that thing and it totally made my day!Go see my CART!
Here are my geese pictures as promised. My geese have migrated here:

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Easter Weekend in a Egg Shell.....

So how was everyone's Easter? Mine was good I went to visit Shawn. It was nice. The Bus ride there was craptacular, because I was pretty much squished. There was a girl sitting in front of me and she had her seat reclined as far back as it could go. And a girl was sitting beside me and she pretty much was using me as a pillow at one point. So I was pinned up against the window for most of the trip.
Shawn and I went to the Ramada to go on the waterslides, that was pretty fun until we went to go and leave. We both pay 10 bucks each to get in there and the cheap bastards wouldn't even let us use a towel. The guy told Shawn, that since we weren't staying there and that it was pretty booked up that he just couldn't let us use a towel. I was pretty pissed off, as was Shawn, so Shawn asked some guy to get him a towel and that was the only way that we got one.
On Saturday, we went out for supper at the old water tower. The turned the old water tower in to a restaurant and lounge, it was pretty nice, and had a nice view. At night all light up it looks like a UFO! Then afterwards we went out looking for deer, only found some bunnies, I guess they was kind of appropriate considering it was Easter weekend.
On Sunday before I left, we went to the park. We were feeding the ducks until the Sea Gulls started hording all the bread...the male duck got pissed off so he left and the female followed. So we went to the other side of the park and feed the geese. I got a kick out of these guys. There was this one big fat goose grab the bread right out of your hand, and then chased all the other geese away so they couldn’t get any. I had this disposable camera and this goose wanted bread so he was standing really close to me. I squatted down to take a picture, he thought I had bread so he came closer. When the camera clicked, he backed away, turned his head and looked at me funny, kinda like what was that? I can't wait to see my pictures!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The camera gods are cheesing me off....

I am extremely cheesed off. I bought new camera at the beginning of February. The damn thing started to act up. Now I have to send it for repair. You would think when you spend close to 500 dollars at a store they would try and help a person out. What do they do? Told me to phone the company that makes it. The guy at Hp didn't even know anything about this camera. He just told me to take it to the store I bought it from so they can send it for repair. Nice one-year warranty. I haven't even had it a full two months yet. Nice one.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I fear that everyone I have ever known has forgotten I exist

I know this will sound morbid, or something but it’s just all thoughts in my head.
I often wonder what the world would be like if I wasn't here. Like would people remember me or would I just be a lost face in the pages of someone’s memories.
Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m already lost to everyone I know.
It feels like everyone is changing and I am still the same; the same girl I always was and probably always will be. Like I am trapped in some time warp. Like I can't escape...I know I could, but I just don't know how. I think deep down I have always felt that way. Like I desperately need someone’s attention to stay alive.
I know there are people that love me; it just sometimes would be nice if people would give you a call just to say 'Hey how are ya?' You know?
I wonder what it would be like if I suddenly disappeared from the face of the planet, would people wish they would have picked up that phone, just to say hey. Or would they be like, ‘Gee something’s missing, oh well.’ I want to be remembered, not to be forgotten, like I'm sure everyone does. I just fear that maybe I already am.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Oh-oh. Time to repress another memory.

So today I did something I haven't done in years. I built a snowman. I couldn't resist. It is so nice out there the snow was perfect for it. I honestly don't remember the last time I built one. I couldn't believe how relaxing building a snowman actually is.
His name is Ted; Shawn will be the only one that will understand his name. Kind of an inside joke.
I have the entire weekend off, and dang it sure is nice. I haven't decide exactly what I am going to do with myself... I'm sure I will think of something.... If you would like to see my snowman pictures go here: