Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Deep down inside, all people are good. But it's hard to get throught the ribs to the taste part.

So I am officially out of holidays for this year. I came home from Lethbridge on Saturday night at around mid-night. It was nice to be home but I realized that I kinda liked it up there. As my mom puts it I was pulling the little miss Suzie homemaker gig. I cooked a turkey and was being a total housewife and I enjoyed it! That part kinda scared me a little. I was doing a lot of stuff up there that I don't do at home, for example, I swept and washed the floor, did dishes every day and did laundry. I also like the part that if I was to move up there all I would have to do is transfer to the store across the street and I wouldn't have to get up two hours before my shift just to drive to work.
So now I have 4-orphaned kittens to tend to. Momma kitty got hit on the highway on Saturday afternoon. I was so not expecting that. Weezer has been watching them on and off which is cool, cause I didn’t know male cat looked after the little ones. Tarzan is now pulling his littlest hobo routine again, cause he was let out on Saturday before I came home and he hasn’t been back yet.There was a tiny bonus to me working on Sunday, they have this weekend warrior thing at work that if you worked on the weekend your names gets drawn for a 25 dollar gift card, his weekend I got the gift card, so it wasn’t to bad.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Those who throw stuff at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them.

So I'm posting some pictures from my travels. Nothing from camping just from the States. Click on the blog title to go take a look.
I hopefully will be going to Lethbridge. I hope to be leaving on Saturday. I'm planning on making a turkey. Hopefully that plan won't go sour. I have to see if I am getting the time off. Of course that schedule isn't up yet. I am hoping to get some Christmas shopping done, and just general shopping.
Rose sent me some pictures of her little guy. Boy is he ever cute. Christal's little guy got out of surgery on Tuesday. At lest they finally found out what was wrong with him. Hopefully he will be ok.
I worked all weekend. It was super busy on Sunday. Yesterday was really quite. Wasn't as crazy as I was expecting it too be.
So nothing new here, found a home for the two little orange kitties. Now just find a home for the other four.