Monday, December 20, 2004

Only 4 more Shopping days left...Are you ready?

So Christmas is almost upon us. All the fun, the family, the retarded last minute shoppers...I say this because I will be working till 11 for two nights in a row. And working at 7am on my birthday. Not cool. But then again it could be worse I could be stuck working for the whole day and then that would royally suck.
So Peelio is out of commission for a while...probably a long while. Take the plates off my car and what happens? The transmission in Peelio goes when I drive home on Saturday. Not cool. So now I get to drive the Blue Truck.... and get to ride with Mr. Jingles.... at lest I won't get lonely, and an added bonus I now have 4-wheel drive.
Shawn comes home today. Excited about that. To bad it looks so craptacular outside. Hopefully he will have the common sense to slow down when he is driving.
Put up the Christmas lights yesterday. That was entertaining in it self. First string Dad and I put up, Dad puts a staple through it and it shorts out...good thing it was only the second staple. The second string, Dad put the staple through the wires again, and the whole thing Shorted and it started to spark...but it melted the plastic and the lights came back on...that was a bonus considering the lights were half up.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Wisdom Teeth are the spawn of Satan......

I officially hate my wisdom teeth. They now have decided to become evil. I can hardly open my jaw. So now I have to take some antibiotic cause the dentist thinks that they are probably infected. So that means no drinky, drinky for the holidays. Its not like I do a lot anyway, but now I can't even if I wanted to.
All my Christmas cards are sent out. And all my shopping is almost done. I just need for like two more people. Maybe I'll get the chance to do that on Friday.
Shawn comes home on Monday night; I'm excited about that. I'm not entirely sure when he is suppose to go back, but I won't worry about that right now.
Set up the tree on Sunday. Artificial trees just aren't the same as the real thing. It is still a nice looking tree and you can hardly tell that it isn't real. Except the smell of tree isn't in the air. I kinda miss that part of it.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sometimes snowflakes can be your friend

Well the weather outside is frightful...No, I'm not breaking into song; I’m just describing the crap-tacular weather, which as I said isn't to very nice. There was already an accident on the highway, and there are never accidents on that highway, So that bought me a day off, I am not driving to work when it says that the highways are icy, slippery, drifted, swirling snow, reduced visibility and I’m sure the list will go on and on with the days progress.
This will leave me time to write my Christmas card, of which I still haven't started.
As of January 19th, 2005 I will start taking a correspondence course from North Battleford, for photography, sounds cool. Maybe I'l actually learn something.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

My mind is like a banana tree filled with monkeys clattering for attention

I finally have a day off. So I started wrapping Christmas presents. I only need a few more then I am done. I was really in the Christmas spirit yesterday. I was giving everyone candy canes. Didn’t matter if they were little or old everyone got one if they wanted one.
It started snowing again yesterday. So it is slowly starting to look festive out there. This much snow I don't mind it is when there are major drifts on the highway that I can't stand. That has to be my biggest pet peeve about winter. Is driving in it. And it seems like I did more winter driving this year than anything else.
I think I am gonna start writing out Christmas card today. I won't send them probably till next week or later, but I figure that I might as well start now.