Monday, March 29, 2004

Match in the gas tank.... BOOM, BOOM

So all day Saturday I was at work, working on the high-wall. And this is the real shit kicker; I was on there on my own free will. This just proves that it is true, I have no life.
This really sucks. I could have slept in yesterday but I was up at 8:30. I hate when I do that. Then days when I have to get up, I want to lay in bed for hours. Grrrr.
I have been busy working on invitations to one of Rose's Bridal Showers. I think they will look good when I am done with them. I just have to print them and then they will be done. I have to run the design idea past my partner in crime... her mom. So far we have kinda clashed on all the ideas. I have had some really good ones and she kinda shot them down or didn't think it was a good idea. Oh well.
Shawn comes home this weekend so I am all excited. That means he is almost done and that summer is coming and that means no more driving in snow banks. Joy!!!

Friday, March 26, 2004

Vote for me! The six fingered reject.

I have my heart set on having one of my pictures on a Jones Bottle. I know that might sound like a really stupid goal, but then I could say hey, I had a picture on a Jones bottle and some one out there would think I am the greatest and give me a TV show and I would become famous. I then would make lots of money, (lets say 1.5 million an episode.) That’s sounds like one heck of a plan. So go there and vote for me.
So I think I just killed the microwave. I was making some popcorn and I’m not use to this new microwave. Have you ever seen smoke come billowing out of a microwave? I know I never have. The house now stinks of smoke and burnt popcorn. Note to self: watch what you are cooking from now on.
I tried to give myself a sixth finger yesterday. I was cutting something and the scissors slipped and cut my finger right down the middle. I now have a big long cut in my nail, which hurts when you touch it. And my finger started bleeding where I cut it on the other side. I had to go running upstairs to the staff room to get a band-aid. All the while blood is running down my hand. Fun, fun, fun is all I have to say.

Vote for Tanya's pictures at Jone's Bottles!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Life isn't like a box of chocolates, it's more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.

See the title? Isn't it the true? I think this is a pretty cool little saying. Ever notice that though. You may say or do something one day and it will haunt you after that. Yeah.
Have you ever said something mean to someone but you didn’t mean it, and they took it the wrong way? I did that the other day and I felt really bad about it. I still feel really bad about it. You could say I wasn’t thinking before I was speaking…. Most people probably think I do that on a regular basis. I know if someone would have said what I said I would probably be pretty hurt. I have a conscience; which makes it worse. It keeps reminding me that I am a jackass.

Monday, March 22, 2004

I'm cold, where's my underwear?

I think I had one of the craziest days of my life yesterday. For starters I hate working on Sundays. I think everything should be closed. People should be either sleeping, spending quality time at home with their families or in Church.
So I drove to work, and my car hit a major milestone. It clicked over to 2100000. I know that my car has little to no resale value because of the hit mileage, but that’s fine. I don’t want to sell it anyway.
I was tired, because I was up late the night before watching Brendan’s skating carnival. He insisted that we came so we did. Have I mentioned that Sundays suck? Old people come in and give you big bills for some small 5-dollar items. Some old guy was crusty with me cause I wouldn’t take a check.
So we were closing and the alarms go off, turns out someone forgot their cell phone. I don’t think I punched out, but that doesn’t matter. One of the other girls needed a boost cause their car wouldn’t start, so Walter gave her a boost. I went for gas across the parking lot and thought I had left my wallet at work. So I went running across the parking lot. Only to find out once I was in the building that my wallet wasn’t there. Got back to my car to find it was there the whole time. I panicked when I thought I left my wallet; I left my car keys in the car, with my window open and purse inside. Luck thing no one took anything.
So today I don’t have to work. I went to Rose’s parent’s place to pick up my dress for her wedding. It’s a very pretty dress. I however have to get lots of alterations to make the top stay put. But the wedding isn’t till August anyways, so I have some time for that.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Lost Sheep to Shepard

I may be crazy, but I'm not dumb. This is Crazy ol' Tanya talking at 'ya. So it is nice out. Its nice and I don't have to drive anywhere. But tonight it is suppose to start to snow and then freezing rain. Lucky me. I am so sick if snow. I am so ready to move to a warmer climate.
My printer went all stupid again today. Last time it was a really simple thing that was wrong. This time out of the blue it went bonkers. I guess that’s what you get when you by a refurbished printer when it is cheaper then the ink. But that wasn’t my idea. I had a letter for Shawn all typed out and the damn thing wouldn’t print I tried like 5 times. I got pissed off and hand wrote everything that I had just typed. Isn’t that a little back-wards?
Yesterday at work I was talking on the radios like they were CB's. I was watching Dukes of Hazzard and I got all the crazy stuff in my head. I honestly told one of the girls to refer to me as Lost Sheep. Then I started to 'Baaaa' on the radio. If anyone honestly heard me they would have thought I was totally out of my gourd.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Can't Sleep.....Birds will get me

I officially hate winter! Why may you ask? The highways were really crappy yesterday. One side of the road was covered in snow and the other side was covered in slush. I was late because the roads were so bad. I think everyone thought I was full of crap because no one else complained about how bad the roads were. No one else that works there drives on the same road! Maybe that’s why no one complained.
Anyway on my way to work this truck was coming in the opposite direction and covered my car in road grime and slush. My car was completely covered. Then I ran out of washer fluid. I had to add some before I came home from work.
Today I can only imagine how craptacular those roads are. It has been snowing all morning and it is fat fluffy flakes that make a mess out of every thing. I will most likely leave early or not go… we will have to see.
Last night on my way home this truck passed me, and I noticed that they kind of touched on the breaks as they go a little farther ahead of me. So I am driving and roughly where the truck touched the breaks, was this thing that looked like a block of ice. But it wasn’t a block of ice. It was an Owl! A stupid owl was sitting in the middle of the road! ! Do you know how badly that that scared me? All the blood drained out of me and I got a chill. I screamed ‘Holy Fudge’ (only more colorful) and was trying to catch my breath for a little while after.I haven’t been scared like that in a while.
Honestly if it isn’t a prairie chicken its one of those stupid little birds that fly up or now an owl!

Happy Leprechaun Day!(St. Patrick's Day)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Rock and Roll has gone down hill ever since Buddy Holly died

What really irritates me are people that make statements like: Are The Vines the next Nirvana? Probably not. They may have a similar style, but there is only one Nirvana. Just like there is only one Elvis or one Buddy Holly. And there is only one Beatles, only one Beach Boys and only one Ramones. Those people or bands shaped generations. Sure some people my have different opinions than myself; But as far as I'm concerned after having people like Brittany Spears being in the lime light, music has so gone downhill. In the words of Paul LeMat on American Graffiti Rock and Roll has gone down hill since Buddy Holly Died.
I figure 20 years from now when Rolling Stone Magazine makes another list of 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, people like Brittany Spears, The vines or ‘Nsync will be forgotten.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.

Is it just me, or have the people of the world become completely stupid? I have noticed this at work. You ask them something like, "Are you using your credit card or cash?" and they reply, "Yeah." Well dumbass which is it?
Do they do this because they are to caught up in there own little drama that they forget about every thing else in the world? I am starting to think every stupid person is in my vicinity at some point in time almost every day. Everywhere I look there are brain dead morons. I honestly think that some people don’t think before they speak or act for that matter.
I know I’m not perfect by no means, but some times I wonder why these people didn’t just stay in there little holes or under their rocks.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

S-O-S : Sick Of Snow!

Well I'm stranded in town. Pretty much saw it coming. It was nice till I walked out of work last night. By the time I was leaving town, it was a full out Blizzard. So now I sit here at Shawn's House doing E-learning.... Yeah it shows I don't have a life.
I have pretty much had enough of the white stuff. My poor little red car is all sad and white.... White out conditions, and closing almost every road in Saskatchewan. Fun.

Friday, March 12, 2004

You Are Here *

On the road of life you are bound to hit a few bumps, a few curves...even the occasional deer or moose. But those are the chances you take. Every day is some funky road trip. You never know what will be tossed out in your direction. You may look at a road map and think; hey it’s a pretty straight highway between point A and point B. But remember the saying: Life is like a gravel road, never straight and always stoned. Ok, so you may not be stoned, but life is never easy. There is never an easy route. There is always going to be the speed bump, the careening corners…. the occasional deer. Just take everything with stride.
Pack a lunch, enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I'm Rusted and Weathered

Ok so I'm not rusty...not the last time I checked anyway. Weathered maybe. Well I will should I choose to go to work today. I most likely will knowing me. I will brave the March blizzard, to go to work and for what appreciation? None! I can't even call in. I feel guilty when I do. Damn you conscience!!!

I added a new link, incase you are interested. She’s a friend of mine…. very humorous. Not the fact that she is my friend but her updates…

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I like Shawn so much I have encased him in snow keeping him fresh for later use.

I was told yesterday that I don't mention Shawn enough. I thought if I talked about him all the time he would get annoyed or something. So Mooselips, this is for you. What I would really like to know is where the name mooselips came from. He doesn't look like a moose, he doesn't have I don't get it.
Well it is snowing to beat Hell outside, Shawn you would be happy. Snow means snowmobiling...that right you have no snow in Alberta....that must really be annoying.
This will mean that I will have to go to work early. I would 7 days straight....I'm not going to be a happy camper come next week Wednesday. But hey, thats life right?
So yeah nothing exciting.....I was told I spelled Oscar Mayer wrong. It is Myer not Mayer... go figure ....

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Who is Oscar Mayer; and why does everyone want his Wiener?

Happy day! I don't have to work! The world rejoices. Well ok, only I rejoice. But that’s not the point. I have decided to do nothing today…. other than this…. ok yeah I’ll work on my craptacular website. And let’s face it, that hush puppy needs some major overhauls.
On my way to work yesterday I saw some Prairie Chickens. Now I’m convinced those birds are totally retarded or something. Most bird fly away when a car is coming. Those things just stand there…. Duh ha… what is that big red thing coming towards me? One almost flew into the side of my car…. How stupid is that? Let’s play hit the firebird.
I laughed really hard on Sunday. Going to go see the new Arctic Cat sleds and in the ditch there were a few ravens. They were obviously eating some road kill; one actually had a wing from another bird in its beak. My brother goes, “Hey Charlie, why don’t you go sit in the middle of the road and see if that big semi will hit you.” “Uh, duh…ok.”
Notice the title of this little rant had nothing to do with the actually rant? Funny huh?

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Sympathy for the spam

Well I decided that this would be the easy route to making window seen by the world. Maybe people would finally read my little rants and actually go to my website.
So the sun is finally out. Hurray! I don't think I have seen the sun in at lest a week. It has been all gray and ugly outside....Kinda depressing.
So yeah, this is all for now not much to say, WOW. I have nothing to say...Holy Doodlebugs!
That will change I assure you.