Thursday, October 28, 2004

It's a hazy shade of something....

So all the snow is gone; right now it is kinda foggy. It was somewhat nice yesterday, however before I went to work it clouded over, I didn't get to see the eclipse. I guess I have to wait till next time.
I am carving pumpkins tonight, four in total. Two scary-ish ones and two not so scary ones. The disc I got is pretty neat. Pumpkin Masters Pattern Maker. Not bad for seven bucks. I made a ghost last year and two other ones; I put them on a Jones bottle.
So this will be my fourth Halloween working. Third year there, it’s kind of a tradition. I kinda miss dressing up and going out trick or treating. The farms always gave out lots, and would look forward to us coming.
I am getting a kick out of how many people keep asking me if I am engaged every time I tell them I have to tell them something. The other day when I phoned Rose for her birthday, that was like the first thing she asked, and Christal asked the same thing the other day when she phoned to tell me what day Kassandra's christening is. Does everyone know something that I don't?

Monday, October 18, 2004

Snowflakes keep fallin' on my head....

So we got snow yesterday, a whole heap load. I would have been happy with out it, but I can't control Mother Nature...yet.
Shawn told me on Saturday night that we would have snow by the next morning. I told him he was full of crap and that it wouldn't snow. Guess I was wrong. We got way more then what they got in town. I slid through an intersection, when I was planning on turning right. Oh well, at lest the light was green.
Last night driving home, it was like it didn't snow at all, until I got about 5 miles from home. Then there were tiny little snow banks on the sides of the road, and then yeah everything was white. It is still snowing now. I even had to shovel off the deck.
Picked up the pictures of Shawn and me on Friday. They turned out so well. I am very happy with them.

Friday, October 08, 2004

When did Montly Crue become classic rock?

So Mom is visiting my Grandma in Ontario, so that means the guys have left me to be housekeeper. Not cool. It is easier to clean up after them when I have a whole day.
Shawn comes home tonight; he should be on the road right now.
I was busy baking brownies today, I just got the notion and that’s what I was busy with. I made caramel apples too.
My mom comes home on Tuesday, so dad is cooking a turkey on Monday and I should be eating turkey on Sunday too. Lucky for me I don't have to work either day, I thought I had to.
Anyways, that’s all the interesting stuff for now.

Happy Turkey Day!