Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Virginity is like a soap bubble; One prick and its gone.

So on Saturday was Snowarama. It was pretty good. Shawn didn't buck me off the back of the ZL like I thought he would. I was surprised at the amount of room there actually was. It was a different root this year, went from Yorkton, to Springside, to Melville and back to Yorkton. The last few years it goes to Good Spirit Lake.
I won a new Arctic Cat jacket. That was pretty cool. I was trying to convince myself that I wouldn't win anything. I guess that didn't work. I figure that I must have had a lucky horseshoe up my ass because I was holding some of Shawn's mom's raffle tickets and the one that I was holding won. So I knew I wasn't gonna win the sled. A guy from Saskatoon won it.
I can't remember what the finally total that was raised for Eater Seals but I think it was more than last year.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I'm gonna die a normal 70 year old.

So yeah I was taking these silly tests. if you want to take them go here: http://www.wxplotter.com/funtests.php

Was taking pictres today. Trying to make my arm stop hurting. It started to hurt last night when I was talking with Shawn. And its been sore ever since.
I plan on going skating either tomorrow or Sunday. Haven't been skating for a very long time, and I felt it was time.

I am 52% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

I am going to die at 70. When are you? Click here to find out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I think I need to get out more.....

So I didn't do much today.... Christal was here with Kassie. I was taking pictures. Tarzan seened pretty interested in Kassie, he has never seen a baby before.
Thats about it.

I am nerdier than 20% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Monday, February 14, 2005

I could show up as Cupid at your doorstep on Valentine's Day...but I look nasty in a diaper.

So how is Valentine's Day for everyone out there? Mine was the same as every year, work. And not be with that special someone. How ever he did send me a card, and he said he would bring flowers for me on Friday when he comes home. I thought this was kinda funny; this is what the card said.

How Dogs Celebrate Valentine's Day

1. Rise at 5:30 am. Wet-nose the master.
2. Go out and Pee on the world.
3. Make Poopy.
4. Sniff Poopy.
5. Seriously think about eating poopy.
6. Eat funny-looking but instead.
7. Throw up bug parts on living room rug.
8. Drink out of magic well.
9.Roll around in filth, then lavish master with kisses.
10. Sleep for 17 hours. Start all over again.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Life is Short; Buy the Camera

So I got myself a new toy yesterday. I bought my HP photosmart 945 digital camera. Nice little contraption. I still have to learn how to use it though. Little bit heaver then the other camera so I shake a little. I might invest in a tri-pod. Its really cool you can take video with sound. The old camera could take video, but it had no sound. You can also add commentary to a still picture, and take pictures in sepia and black & white. The part I like is that it does have some manual control. I don't like how you have to use the flash all the time in the house; it’s not that dark in here.
Got my eyebrows waxed yesterday that was amusing. They aren’t as scary anymore. They were kind of like a bush that someone hasn’t taken the hedge trimmer to in a long time.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Makes you wonder....

Within twenty-four hours
You may see something new.
In twenty-four hours and a moment
You will not miss what you do not know.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I work for gas money.....

So I got a reply from the Wal-mart customer service e-mail. They said that they don't know what happened to my pictures but they are going to reprint them and send them out again. They never mentioned if I would have to pay for them or not. All I have to say is what kind of dough head do they have shipping stuff? Mine wasn't the only one that they lost, but I’m probably the one who made the most stink about it.
Dad came back from Yellowstone. Just about went over a cliff cause his steering went on his sled. Not a happy camper.
Got into a fight with Shawn for two nights in a row, over a camera. Of which now I don't even know if I'm gonna buy it. I might still be mad or just annoyed, I haven't decided yet.

Did I mention that on the 4th is Mine and Shawn's two year anniversery?