Saturday, January 29, 2005

Those Retarded Wenucks....

I see I am slowly starting to forget the old blog. Not that my life is busy... because it isn't. I just haven't found anything that interesting to write about.
I'm mad at Wal-mart Online Photo center. I ordered pictures on the 2 of January and they lost them.
Yeah, nice one.
I got tired of waiting for them to phone me so I phoned them. I also left a very nasty complain on the Customer Service e-mail. I figure that I should get them for free, or at lest get a discount. Bastards.
Work was crazy today. Super busy. And surprisingly enough, no one pissed me off. That means I gonna get down right cheesed off tomorrow.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I wouldn't call it playing hooky per say…..

So here I sit. I should be sleeping. But I am wide-awake. Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Didn't go to work today, or should I say yesterday.... I will say today cause I haven't slept yet so I'm still considering it the 21 of January, not the 22. Anyways, I got half way to work and decided to turn around, the closer I got to town the worse it got.

Played Harvest Moon for a good 3 hours... maybe longer.... just a sign I need to get a life.
Added a new site for everyone to look at... pictures that I have taken... made it so people in my class can look at my pictures. So that every one will know how much my pictures suck because I don't have a $1000 dollar camera! Oh well maybe one day I will have one....

Well I'm going to bed now...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

So far, So good

So I took my first lesson today, for my photography course. I think I will do pretty good. The first quiz I got 100%. Pretty proud of that. Now to do the assignment....
I'm glad I don't have to go to work today, it looks pretty craptacular out there. Yesterday when I went to work the roads were solid ice half way to town and the other half was slushy. Driving home last night the truck went a little squirrelly on me a few times. But nothing to major.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

If only the real world was like Harvest Moon...I'd be a pimp.

So Christmas is over, the New Year rung in. And I have decided to not set any resolutions cause I usual don’t fulfill them anyways.
Christmas was good. I got to hang out with the girls; I forgot how fun that is. Shawn was home for close to three weeks. It was nice to have him home. I got a promise ring, which I wasn’t expecting. I got Harvest Moon…. twice. I did absolutely nothing on my birthday. I had to work in the morning but that was about it. I managed to get out when the rush was starting. I went sledding with dad and Shawn the one day, which was fun. However, Shawn made me ride my own snowmobile.
Went to Provost for New Years, to move Jason into his new place. Not much to do in a town where everything is closed. The truck he drives is way to big for him; he looks like a little kid behind the wheel.I start my classes on the 19th, so that should be cool. But that’s about it.