Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I’d tell you to go to Hell, but I work there and I don’t want to see you everyday

So yeah work is a total hellhole. I really want to get the hell out of there.... but I'm kinda attached to the place. It feels like a second home to me. I think I either need a very long holiday or I have to leave. On Monday I was pretty stressed out. I was in tears when I got home. So not like me. I think it was because I was so frustrated with the lack of communication around there. I was going to complain to Linda but I didn't get the chance. I'm fine now. However I think there must have been something seriously wrong with me, I actually wanted Mc Donald's food.
Rose’s bridal shower is on Saturday…I’m hoping everything goes ok. I have been working on the games. Over 50 people were invited and we will be lucky if 20 people show up…. I knew it was a bad idea to have it on the long weekend. But no one would listen to me.
I don't have to work tomorrow. I get to do nothing. Shawn got a job at Good Sprit Lake, he gets his spiffy new uniform on Monday.... Darcy figures it will be wild monkey sex all the time seeing Shawn in a cop like uniform... its pretty funny when two grown men are sitting there giggling like little girls talking about sex....
Speaking of cops.... I was driving home this morning; going about 130 mph and I passed a cop. I was so freaking out... I guess the bird was flying to fast... I didn't get pulled over.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Don't go rushing to the light at the end of the tunnel; it just might be a train

So yeah, it is raining yet again. I'm guessing this is going to be a pretty craptacular summer. I'm just waiting for someone to build an ark. Yesterday was the frist day in a long time that the sky was clear... at lest it was most of the rained a little here.... but 8 o' clock last night it was a full out down pour. It was actually nice most of the day. everything is so wet. It is kinda depressing. To make matters worse, there are threats of frost...even snow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

So I was looking through some old e-mails today, and I came across this. I thought it was funny. I don't remember how old this actually is. It was an old e-mail.... didn't have that date.

If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

A smurf is actually green, so it would turn a funny teal color. But how could you choke a smurf? They are to tiny, you would have to like,squeeze their little heads or something.

Anyways its just a thought.

Friday, June 11, 2004

I'm not anti-social; I just hate being with people

So I had an interesting ride home this morning. I almost hit a Beaver. I saw something so I slowed down, at first I thought it was a raccoon, cause it was a bigger furrier animal then say a gopher. As I got closer I thought it was perhaps a badger. Then to my surprise it was a beaver. Could you imagine the damage to my car if I hit one of those?
After the beaver I saw a deer, which is nothing, I see them all the time. But this deer changed its mind a few times. It saw me coming, so it turned and ran into the ditch. Then it realized there was a big slough and it decided to run across the road anyway. It was a good thing that I know how indecisive those animals are. I was wondering if I was gonna see a moose next.
On a good note, the woodpecker isn't driving me nuts.... I don’t have to pull the sling shot out. I think the reason it shut-up is because of all the rain. I think it has rained almost every weekend that I have had off. Well it is better then the freak snow storms.
The bad part about this rain is the basement is flooding. Have to go turn the pump on again in a few minutes. Dusty's litter box is down there, and I guess she braved the water, cause now there are little kitty marks all the way up the stairs. Kinda funny actually.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Stupid woodpecker.......Stupid cat......Stupid people on the other end of the phone

So I got a raise yesterday. A whole 25 cents. The plus part is that gas went down to 88.9. So now I can actually afford to drive to work.
Playing Harvest Moon again. I think that I am addicted that’s all Shawn and me pretty much do now after work. I eat supper and then we go downstairs and play Harvest Moon till 1:00 am. The plus part is I should be getting married soon on the game....
Yesterday I thought I could sleep in....Wrong. At like 6 am a Stupid woodpecker decided it would be a good time to peck in the side of the house.... right under my window. So after he finally shut-up, Dusty decided it was time to come run ramped in my room. So she finally stops meowing and shuts up.... what next.... the flippin phone kept ringing. SO ok I'll get up and see what these people want cause the phone rang like 50 times. I go down stairs and I sit by the phone figuring if they phone again I'll ask them what the hell they want. Turns out the phone never rang after that till later in the day when my mom phoned to ask what time I started work. So I was awake at the time I usually am.... all because people suck.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Lazy is how nature meant us to be

So have been busy working and playing Harvest Moon . I know I so need to get a life. Had some Orioles on the Humming Bird feeder yesterday. There are tons of them around everyone in town has been sold out of them since the long weekend. I had one lady tell me that they like bananas. I put an orange out for them... don't want them fighting with the Hummers.
Gas went down to 94.9 as apposed to 96.5. I can't wait till it is at a half decent price again. It is costing me $33.00 every time I fill me car up.... and that’s from half. It is normally only about $25.00.
It finally stopped snowing here for a while. It is actually nice and warm out. For a change.