Saturday, July 31, 2004

I want to order an anchovy to go, and hold the pizza

So I am actually home on a Saturday night, amazing huh? Shawn has to work some pretty whacked out shifts this weekend, 6pm to 2am. I start work at 10am and finish work at 6pm. I probably won't see him till Monday night; maybe if he is nice he will come visit me at work tomorrow.
Wanted to change my blog settings, can't get my links back and running, it is irritating me. I have been at it for an hour already.
My back is peeling from the sunburn I got last Sunday. It should be nicely peeled by Rose's wedding next weekend. I can't believe how fast it actually came. I still don't have a speech ready; I was never really one for public speaking. I get all tongue tied.... even worse then I already am. My next day off is Friday, the day before the wedding. I hope I can come up with something to say before then.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

We welcome you to munchkin land...fal a la la la........

So ball went all right on Friday. It will probably be the last game that I will get to play this year. I have to work during the rest of them. I'm not really heart broken by it. There was a tornado touchdown yesterday in Foam Lake.... Not concerned about the well being of my brother; more concerned about the well being of Peelio... sad I know.
Shawn and I are going to the lake today.... hopefully it will stay nice looks like it is clouding over.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Can't talk now....the squirrels are watching

So I went to the fair last night with Jason.... which was fun, to bad Shawn couldn't come too. There was a psychic there... that was pretty cool. I am supposedly going to live till the ripe old age of 82, going to have 2 kids and marry the guy I'm with now. I have no complaints with that....
Went on the Gravitron, forgot how fun that was. I was having a blast; it would have been cool to ride the mechanical bull.
I have to play ball tonight after work... I'm going to have a very rough weekend I can see it already. Hopefully it will rain and I won't have to play...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Nuttier that a Squirrel Turd

So nothing new... Rose's Shower turned out ok... More people showed up than I was expecting. On Sunday went to Regina.... spent 60 bucks on bras... not that anyone cares, but hey that was my weekend.
Shawn started his new job on Monday.... park ranger... I could think of some pretty kinky stuff with that...
The fair starts today... apparently Jason and myself are going to go tomorrow and ride the “Gravitron”.... the only ride I will go on. Shawn and my self have to work on Friday so we can't go see Randy Bachman...I think Shawn is disappointed.
I was so sick last night, I was fine at work got to Shawn... Popsicles wouldn't even stay down the hatch....