Friday, May 21, 2004

Satan would be making Snowmen.....if he was into that sort of thing....

So this morning as I walked down the stairs I was greeted with snow. Now this wouldn't be unusual if it were, say.... JANUARY!!! But it is MAY 21!!!!! How much longer is Mother Nature going to make us suffer? It’s bad enough that we get a long enough winter, but for heaven sake if I wanted to live in an igloo I would move to the arctic.
I mean I like snow as much as the next guy, but really snow in May is getting very annoying. I want rain!!! Not snow.

To see some pictures, click on the title.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Match in the gas tank.....wait there is no gas in there......

So the gas price went up. Nazi Cows. It was at 85.9 cents a litre last night and now it is 96.9. Damn government. I will have to get a third job just to pay for the trip back and forth to work. This is just utterly ridiculous. And probably the government won't do a thing about it. Hell we pay for their gas... You know, riding in Limos and such. It’s nice to see that our tax money is going to go use.

I think I should start riding my bike to work…. If I leave now…I might get there by mid-night…. If I don’t die first.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy

So yeah, I think I'm getting the Flu...or West Nile or perhaps some other disease. I woke up last night thinking I was in an oven. I was so extremely hot I thought I was going to explode. After something cold to drink and sleeping on the floor I was fine. Perhaps it was cause by the fact that Shawn produces enough body heat to not need a blanket? I don't know. I just know that the floor was nice and cold to sleep on... And today I feel cruddy, but I will go to work anyway... cause that’s just the way I am.

I can finally walk on my foot properly again. Brian said he felt bad for running me over with the flower cart. It was an accident, and it was most likely my own fault. But damn, it hurt like hell. Work the next day was total hell. I think I should have just changed my name to Hop-a-long.

I heard that it is suppose to snow today or something. Yesterday it was 26 degrees out. I thought I was gonna die at work. Hopefully it only rains. We need a good rain to really settle things.

Driving home this morning, I realize that Broadway looks like a grid road. It is all gravel. I am still trying to figure out which moron thought it was a good idea to cover the main street in gravel....

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Perry the Pessimistic Pea Pod

So yeah it snowed yesterday. May 12, and it snowed! How totally messed up is that. I figure we will have a total of 4 months out of 12 that won't have snow... then again this is Saskatchewan, and anything is possible.
It looks pretty nice out actually looks like spring for a change.... The sun is out. The last few days it looked more like November instead of May. It makes a person depressed. To bad it is only 10 degrees outside.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Don't ask me I was hired for my looks....

I don't have to work today...which is pretty cool considering I thought I had to. The minus side though, that means that I will probably have to work five days in a row and I hate doing that... it sucks major ass.
I have been working on the invitations to Rose's bridal shower. So far so good: that is just one thing off the list of wedding stuff I have to do. I still have to come up with a speech.... maybe some good old horror stories from the past. I don't know yet. I still have to get my dress altered....
Oh well.... I guess I should get onto that art stuff...